JMAGE Events

Saturday Social Photos [Feb 22, '14]

Here are the shots taken during the Saturday Social from last weekend!

Blank vs. Blank, round 1: Most Fabulous Anime Character

Face to face argument for Blank vs. Blank

Rock, Paper, Scissors for who goes first to pick teams
 for Luke & Jimmy's "Jeopardy"

"Who can be taller?!" competition.

Piggy Back ride and basically the winner
of the "Who can be taller" competition

Luke and Jimmy's "Jeopardy"

Alumni playing OctoDad

Chalk sketch of Roy Mustang: the Flame
Alchemist's glove symbol from FMA

Crimson Dragon sketching

Team 1's story for the question "Who is Dankey Kang?",
a collaborative story.

"Draw Jimmy like one of your French Girls"

Opposing team's sketches for the competition

Jimmy as he poses for his sketch pictures

Dance Competition


Giving office chair rides, part 1

Office chair rides, part 2. And the term "Take me,
electrical socket" was born...
The remnants of the drawing competition and a more finalized view of
the Crimson Dragon sketch

He put the office chair into another chair and
made a throne

Losing it over a Jeopardy answer that's on the tip of her tongue

Dancing while waiting for answers
during Jeopardy